Portfolio > This is Not a Safe Space

In America, there is a fear that a child now feels walking through the doors of a school. A fear that a parent experiences when shopping at a grocery store. It’s the same fear a grandparent feels when going to Sunday services: not the thought of “It can’t happen to me.” but “When will it happen to me?”

For this project I have crafted eerie and discomforting depictions of mundane settings. These settings serve as arenas that allow the viewers to project their own fear and anxieties onto. With the use of the charcoal medium, one-point perspective, and the large scale of these drawings I am trapping the viewer in a specific point and allowing them to immerse themselves within the artwork. While the viewer may find comfort in knowing that these are fictitious settings, these drawings convey the very real danger of the world we now live in due to inaction and politicizing the death of innocent people. These settings aren’t merely a made up dystopian scene but rather reflect the very real fear we all now face.

charcoal on paper
48in x 60in
charcoal on paper
48" x 60"
Sunday Service
charcoal on paper
48" x 60"